“Leading to Excellence”
NSF ADVANCE Grant: Project CEOS (Comprehensive Equity at Ohio State)
The goal of Project CEOS is to increase the representation and advancement of women in academic science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers through research-based interventions that transform the workplace culture. These interventions will increase women’s participation in the scientific and engineering workforce at Ohio State. Participating colleges include Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, and the division of Natural and Mathematical Sciences in the college of Arts & Sciences. For more information watch our video.
Learn more about our:
Transformational Leadership Model
Learn More About Our Partners: Gender Initiatives in STEMM
To learn more about Gender Initiatives in STEMM (GI-STEMM), led by former CEOS Program Director Mary Juhas, click here. GI-STEMM resides within the Office of Research and helps promote the institutionalization of Project CEOS campus-wide
CEOS to co-host National Summit on Innovation
As a result of the numerous years of work put into the REACH Workshop series, OSU is poised to be a national thought leader on innovation policy and the role that gender can play in a strong program of entrepreneurship. CEOS and the Association for Women in Science have partnered to host a national conversation about improving opportunities for women in the business of commercializing STEM. The National Summit on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A Roadmap for Inclusion will be held on Thursday (4/30) in Washington, D.C. The event, from 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m., will be live-streamed, and registered viewers can join the conversation through social media.
-- > Read more at news.osu.edu/news/2015
CEOS Awarded New Supplemental Grant for FY 2013
Project CEOS has been awarded an NSF Career Life Balance supplement award. The award will be used to establish a regional Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC). The HERC will assist in addressing the needs of dual-career couples by providing one convenient location to learn about all higher education job openings - including staff, faculty, and postdoc positions - in the area. Additionally, administrators will become better connected with local hiring partners in order to facilitate dual-career placements.
The award was made possible by the work of the Office on Gender Initiatives in STEMM and the President & Provost's Council on Women (PPCW). The recently completed work of the PPCW on the state of dual-career hiring at OSU was critical to this work. They and many other offices across campus will be important in creating and implementing the HERC in the coming year.
Congratulations to our Connect Award Winners
CEOS-Connect offers grants of up to $5,000 to individual faculty members who are Assistant or Associate professors. The grant is designed to bring to campus a senior scholar of international reputation in the faculty member's discipline, with a complementary visit of the faculty member to the senior scholar's institution.
The award winners are:
Jackie Augustine, Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Quihong Wang, Food Animal Health Research
Yuejie Chi, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ann Cook, School of Earth Sciences
Karen Lewis, Architecture
Guzin Bayraksan, Integrated Systems Engineering
Gunjun Agarwal, Biomedical Engineering
Congratulations to Dr. Anne McCoy for receiving the Distinguished Faculty Award
Dr. McCoy, a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, was selected as the recipient of the 2012-2013 Harlan Hatcher Arts and Sciences Distinguished Faculty Award. More information can be found here
Dr. Amy Connolly receives NSF career award to aid search for 'ghost' particles
Dr. Amy Connolly, assistant professor of physics, received a five-year, $650,000 CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation to support her search for high-energy neutrinos, a type of elementary particle traveling at the speed of light that exists all across the universe. They are sometimes called “ghost particles” because they are very hard to find — their chance of ever interacting with regular matter is remote. Only sophisticated experiments can catch and measure their properties. Read more here
Dr. Lonnie King receives Global One Health Award
Dr. Lonnie King, Dean and Ruth Stanton Chair in Veterinary Medicine, has been awarded the Global One Health Award by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) at a ceremony in Auckland, New Zealand. This Award is presented annually to an individual or organization that has promoted the global One Health concept, which studies the links between animal health, human health, and environmental health. Click here to read more
CEOS sends more congratulations to Dr. Jessica Winter, this time for receiving the 2012 Inventor of the Year Award
Here is a link to all of the 2012 awards
Congratulations to CEOS Co-PI Jim Beatty for having been elected to the 2012 Class of American Physical Society Fellows
Each year, elected APS Fellows number no more than 1/2 of 1% of society membership. For more information, click here
Several Ohio State Women Scientists Were Recently Elected Among the Newest Class of Fellows for the American Association for the Advancement of Science
The CEOS team wishes to congratulate
Heather Allen, Professor of Chemistry and Pathology;
Maura Gillison, Professor of Medical Oncology, of Epidemiology, and of Otolaryngology;
Susan Olesik, Professor and Chair of Chemistry and Biochemistry;
For more information, click here
Congratulations to Dr. Jessica Winter for being named 2012 Early Career Innovator of the Year
Dr. Jessica Winter is an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Ohio State. Her research focuses on the applications of nanotechnology in medicine. She is working to develop and commercialize next generation illumination and detection nanoparticules to supplant inferior products currently on the market.
For more information, click here
REACH for Commercialization: A Workshop for Women Faculty and PostDocs in STEM
“REACH for Commercialization,” held September 23-25, 2012, introduced women in STEM to the multiple pathways toward entrepreneurship. The workshop was aimed at extending the “REACH” of one's research beyond the lab, whether it is through patenting, licensing, corporate partnering or starting one's own business. The schedule of topics included:
- Visioning Your Impact
- Learning the Business Landscape
- Finding Funding
Click here to view conference photos
Project CEOS releases two new research reports
Comprehensive Equity at Ohio State (CEOS) has released a major report on the status of men and women faculty at the Ohio State University. Women STEM Faculty at Ohio State: Access to Resources and Department Climate analyzes several data sets to evaluate conditions of employment and job satisfaction for faculty in sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Access to resources is an issue of great importance to faculty in STEM disciplines, especially in research-intensive universities like Ohio State. Following MIT’s landmark study (1999) several research universities have conducted internal studies of salaries, lab space, and other important resources, and many have uncovered gender gaps that have disadvantaged women. Simultaneously, surveys of faculty job satisfaction have persistently shown that men and women in STEM have different views of their workplaces.
For the first time, Ohio State has examined resource distribution and faculty job satisfaction simultaneously. Led by Joan Herbers and Anand Desai, teams of faculty and staff meticulously examined databases holding information on salaries, startup funds, lab space, teaching assignments, and faculty perceptions of their workplaces. Those data showed that men and women STEM faculty at Ohio State have equal access to resources, but that women faculty are more likely to feel excluded from power networks, to have fewer opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary research, and to feel under-appreciated by their peers. As a result women faculty were far more likely to express interest in leaving the university. Additionally, the Second Mid-Project Research Report examines the progress and impact of ADVANCE activities at OSU. Together the reports show that Deans and Chairs have done a good job providing equal access to resources, but department climate remains chilly for women in STEM.
Project CEOS Requests Nominations for Distinguished Speaker Series
Project CEOS is continuing its Distinguished Speaker Series in the 2012-2013 academic year. The series seeks to bring notable minority members of the scientific community to campus for a day of techincal talks and discussion with minority STEM students and faculty. The selected speaker will be hosted by a campus department and provided with travel accomodations and an honorarium by Project CEOS. To nominate speakers please send an email to ceos@osu.edu.
Transformational Leadership Model
To achieve these goals, a Transformational Leadership Model has been developed that will:
- Improve recruitment and retention of women and minority faculty
- Improve diversity of faculty and students
- Augment the pool of senior women available for leadership positions
Project CEOS Leadership
The co-investigators and management structure include representation from seven colleges/schools and the Office of Human Resources (view complete list):
- Dr. Jill Bystydzienski: professor and chair; Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, College of Humanities
- Dr. James Beatty: professor and chair, Department of Physics
- Dr. Anand Desai: professor, John Glenn School of Public Affairs
- Dr. Joan Herbers (principal investigator): professor; Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology
- Dr. Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska: professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Geodetic Sciences, College of Engineering
- Dr. Carolyn Merry: professor and chair, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Geodetic Sciences, College of Engineering
- Dr. Mary Jo Burkhard: associate professor, Department of Veterinary BioSciences, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Dr. Susan Williams: Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, and professor, Department of English
- Dr. Valerie Lee: Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, and professor, Department of English
- Dr. Mary Juhas: Associate Dean for Diversity & Outreach and clinical associate professor, College of Engineering
This information is supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF Grant No. HRD-0811123. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.